Teaching work

The admission education of grade 2022 freshmen in our hospital has been successfully completed


In order to effectively do a good job in the standardized training of Chinese medicine residents and strengthen the in-depth understanding of the residential training base,From August 29 to September 2, 2022, our hospital organized admission education for new students in 2022。Admission education was carried out in a combination of online and offline forms. The management leaders of the base, personnel from relevant functional departments, teachers' representatives and student representatives gave special lectures and shared, and a series of special trainings were carried out relying on the hospital's residential training management platform, with a total of 450 trainees。

Responsible for the leadership of Vice President Zhao Rong to allThe 2022 program trainees made a mobilization speech, narrating from four aspects: base overview, residential training development, requirements of The Times, and training ability, encouraging new students to continuously improve their post competency, firmly establish a sense of responsibility and responsibility, and earnestly walk the road of medical practice。


In training,Dong Qiongfen, director of the hospital's Sensory control Office, Yin Weiping, deputy director of the Clinical Practice Teaching Management Office, Ma Jianguo, deputy director of the Conduct Office, and relevant teachers from the Department of Dermatology, the Department of Legal Affairs, and the Security Department respectively conducted training on the management and prevention of the hospital's sensory control, training policies and systems, medical ethics, training of doctors, key points of doctor-patient communication, and fire emergency response。

随后,Zeng Wenbin, a 2021 trainee, combined with his personal learning plan to share training experiences such as public theory, medical examination, and annual assessment for new students, so that new students can further clarify the orientation of the training。


Online training relies on our instituteThe CCMTV Residential training management platform carried out ideological and political theory training on the theme of practicing socialist core values, and a series of skills training on physical examination, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, acupuncture, hand hygiene and other skills with clinical operation as the core. At the same time, experts from the hospital were invited to teach the students the traditional Chinese medicine treatment and thinking of the novel coronavirus pneumonia。

Admission education is the first step for students to enter the standardized training process of resident doctors, and it is also an important link in medical education。Through the one-week admission education, the students pointed out the direction of learning and efforts for the upcoming clinical rotation, and the students expressed full confidence and expectations。In the next step, our hospital will more actively explore and optimize the trainees as the center, the training goal as the guide, the post competency oriented training mode, to ensure the training quality of all students, and train more excellent Chinese medicine residents!




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